
DDD Awards

Desmond District Demons

Hear ye! Fellow Demons, submit now!

Delay not, for the shadows lengthen and misfortune stalks those who tarry.

Downtown Port Huron

💀 DDD Fest is done and the Results are in! ðŸ’€

The film festivals return post plague was a triumphant success. We raised over $200 for Seed & Soul Society and their community garden on the Southside of Port Huron!

The DDD team hopes to put together more films to be screened over the winter in Port Huron!

We want to give another big thank you to the Community Foundation of St Clair County, Moe's Corner Deli, Main Street Ensemble, Sandra from Horizon Tarot and all of our patrons!

Below are the results of the Judged awards as well as the Coveted Audience Choice Awards for Shorts & Features.

🪦 Winner - Most Horrific - 665

Directed by: Juan De Dios Garduño

Country of Origin: Spain

Synopsis: Two antagonistic forces fight over a woman's unborn child. On the result depends our salvation.

Link to Trailer

🪦 Winner - Best MI Made - The Last Temptation of Aelred

Directed by: Jack Pratt

Country of Origin: United States (MI)

Synopsis: Over a fevered, phantasmagoric night, a restrained priest confronts his own desires and church oppression as he battles with the Baron from Hell for control of his cock’s very own soul.

🪦 Winner - Most Original - Lucienne in a World Without Solitude

Directed by: Geordy Couturiau

Country of Origin: France

Synopsis: In a world without solitude, where everyone shares their life with their double, Lucienne has a relationship with Paul, a former lover who has lost his twin. While she desires his love, Paul only wants to find his brother. 

Individualism and exclusive relationships are not tolerated in this world which increasingly inspires Lucienne disgust. 

Her desire takes her away from her sister and probably from this man.

🪦 Winner - Audience Choice Short - Jennifer Rots

Directed by: Braxton Hay

Country of Origin: United States (MI)

Synopsis: Lonely and yearning for purpose, Jennifer discovers she may have become an unwitting actress in a snuff film after posting a fetish ad on Craigslist.

Link to Instagram

🪦 Winner - Audience Choice Feature - Attack of the Flies

Directed by: August Leo

Country of origin: United States (MI)

Synopsis: Attack of the Flies is a narrative sci-fi thriller set during the 1920's Prohibition in the farthest north regions of Michigan. The isolation naturally breeds despair, but the arrival of an irregular infestation of insects, turns the isolation into madness.

Link to Trailer




Directors Statement

Hello Desmond District Demons,

My name is August Leo. I am a Detroit based filmmaker and the writer and director of Attack of the Flies, a psychological thriller set during the prohibition era in the upper peninsula of Michigan. My entire crew is from the midwest with more than half Michigan natives. We would be honored to screen our film in the beautiful city of Port Huron at the Desmond District Demons Film Festival. We appreciate your consideration. 

Thank you, 

August Leo

🪦 Winner - Best Short - 7 Minutes in Hell

Directed by: Shane Spiegel, Justin Reager

Country of Origin: United States

Synopsis: Olivia and her friends sneak into an abandoned house to play a game of seven minutes in heaven. As luck would have it, she and her crush, James, end up in a closet together. However things go from awkward to terrifying when the closet goes dark and they are attacked by a shapeshifting monster.

Link to Trailer

Link to Website


The Alien Report

Directed by: PL Donnelly

Country of origin: United states

Synopsis: A troubled teen uses tiny, hidden micro-cameras sharing 'in-your-face' encounter video of telepathic beings, human hybrids and the unusual MIB (Men In Black). Based on the real UFO phenomena, The Alien Report is part one of a trilogy

The Alien Report was filmed on micro cameras and Iphones using creative ingenuity. Additionally, the film contains a massive array of sound effects, contributions from artists all over the world, which meld the auditory and visual experience into a kaleidoscopic trip. This micro-budget endeavor is unlike any other sci-fi movie.

Link to Trailer



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